Speaker & Host

Here is an overview of my experience as a host/organizer, speaker, and voiceover works! 

If you want to collaborate, feel free to reach out directly through email or social media. 

Head Over Feels: Creating Complex Romances in Games (2024)

If you're at Devcom 2024, swing by our narrative panel with Helen Hindpere (Disco Elysium), Meghna Jayanth (Thirsty Suitors), and Adrienne Law (Baldur's Gate 3) on August 19!

More info on https://www.devcom.global/ddc-2024/program/

Produire un jeu vidéo sous l'extrême droite, ça donnerait quoi (2024)? 

Financements, statuts des travailleurs et travailleuses, vie dans les studios... qu'est-ce qu'une extrême droite au pouvoir changerait pour l'industrie du jeu vidéo ? 

Pour répondre à cette question, Lenophie des Game Dolls Advance, Sarah, dev freelance ainsi que Naomi et Antoine du Syndicat des Travailleurs et des Travailleuses du Jeu vidéo ont participé à une table ronde menée par Héloïse Linossier dans le cadre du Stream populaire.

Tech Camp Uruguay: Game Developers of the Future (2024)

I was honored to be part of the trainers supporting Game Devs in Uruguay during Tech Camp 2024 in Montevideo.

This event organized by the U.S Embassy and CAVI reunited 40 game devs from all over the country.

You can find resources I have compiled for all the talented devs attending my session on Com Dev here! 

Arab World Institute: Representation of the Arab World and Inclusivity in Games (2022)

I joined Mehdi Debbabi-Zourgani, Julien Lalu and Wael Hadj Mouldi at the Arab World Institute in Paris on June 11!
The official name of this panel is "Représentations vidéoludiques des mondes arabes et enjeux d'inclusivité".

Break the Nice: the dangers of being your community's friend (2022)

This talk explores how pruning your communities and weeding out negative community members can have direct results for your game, be it through reviews, word-of-mouth, or audience expansion.

COMDEV CAMPFIRE STORIES: The Good, the bad, and the legendary (2022) 

I organized this digital panel for Pax East 2022.
Join Victoria Tran (Among Us), Cel Cottrell (SoftNotWeak), Jenny Windom (Kepler Interactive, Soft Not Weak) and I around the campfire, as we pull back the curtains and share some of our best, worst and funniest stories of community development!

Level Up Your Conversation and Market Yourself: Digital Edition(2022)

Regardless of whether you’re going for business or fun, attending virtual and physical conventions like PAX can provide huge networking opportunities. 

In this panel, we discuss what it means to market yourself, how to get out of your comfort zone and provide actionable tips that can be used in virtual and physical environments.

She Plays Games Podcast (2022)

Had the pleasure to join Lauren Kaye for the 69th episode of She Plays Games Podcast in February 2022. We discussed community work at Focus Entertainment, why you should trust your Community Managers, and our shared love for Kpop. 

PRESS START - How to build a portfolio as a Community Manager 

 Join Adam Ardisasmita and I as we talk about how seemingly unrelated activities can become building blocks for a Community Management portfolio.

Arab Voices in Games (2021)

Organized the panel Arab Voices in Games at Games for Change. Speakers included Rami Ismail,  Son M, Malek Teffaha and Nuha Alkadi.

You can watch the panel here on Youtube.
Following this event, AXIOS published an article focusing on moving beyond Arab Stereotypes in Gaming.

Surface Pressure: Mental Health in Community Development (2022) at Hand Eye Society

After approaching mental health in community development at Pax West earlier this year, Hand Eye Society is welcoming new speakers -including Mental Health Experts- for a deeper look into the subject.

The panel is composed of Community Leads such as Lisa Schaeffer (Netspeak Games) and Suad Bensaud (Curve Games); but also Mental Health Professional with Dr. Rachel Kowert (Take This). 

Online Community Culture; values, challenges, and solutions (2022) 

Lauren Kaye talks with Alex Davis from Neonhive, Ladell Smith from Auroch Digital, and I about the challenges that comes with online community culture in this event created for the international Women In Games Festival.

Surface Pressure: Approaching Mental Health in Community Development (2022) at PAX West

This panel reunites Community Experts such as Victoria Tran (Innersloth), Jenny Windom (Kepler Interctive, Soft Not Weak), and Jared J.Tan (Nerial, Devolver).

We aimed to support community leads by sharing best practices and stories from experience in order to achieve their goals and protect their own mental health.

Gaming Queens by Afrogameuses (2022)

Was honored to join Jennifer Lufau et Marion Mỹ Anh Baxerres for Gaming Queens 2022, an event by Afrogameuses for International Women's Day. The theme was "developing a community around a video game". 

Indie Game Movement - Keeping Control of your Community (2022)

Lots of time when we talk about the health of our community, we think about this in a very general sense.  

However, looking at your community from the perspective of your, your team’s and even your fan's mental health can make all the difference in how you’re able to maintain and control your community. 

The Habibis podcast (2021)

Joined Rami Ismail for the 29th episode of the Habibis Podcast to continue our Games for Change panel on the state of and needed improvements to Arab representation in games in a more casual setting.

Listen to the episode "Representation as a Wink" here.

Indie Game Movement - Keeping Control of your Community (2022)

Whether you’re marketing your first or fiftieth game, it can be a challenge knowing how to approach and adapt your community to any kind of shift or direction your studio takes with future titles. 

And depending on how drastic that shift may be, it can get pretty scary.  Join us as we discuss what can be done to make this shift as smooth as possible!

MauvaisesHerbes.exe (2021)

Joined MauvaisesHerbes.exe as a speaker for their online panel on "What is care in videogame?".

Watch this panel hosted on Animal Crossing. 

Othercide - Tips Trailer (2020)

Voiced the official Tips Trailer for Othercide, a game by Lightbulb Crew and published by Focus Entertainment.